Abocom progresses with three structural concepts that support our 5G business: “Speed Transmission” and “Storage”.
With the development of 5G, smartphones, mobile devices, smart vehicles, smart houses, smart cities, and more devices will be connected and empowered within the 5G structure.

1.Speed Transmission
Apart from our existing products, we plan to invest in 10Gb/s and 25Gb/s heat resistant VCSEL chips to ensure that our supply of chips are sufficient for global databases before 5G is universalized.
2.Data Storage
Under the coverage of 5G, there will be a great size of transported data, which will need to be stored when they arrive at endpoints. The new Abocom team has years of experience in producing data storage devices, from NAS and SSD to MicroSDs and USBs.
core value

With the new concept and persisting diligence, the new Abocom team will lead the company to a new level of success.